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How we work

A proven 4core system
Stock in / Inbound Putaway

Within 2 days, we scan in each of your items into our cloud based software. You'll know we've initiated this process on your delivery as we inform you via email so your always up to date. Once that's done we locate your products onto shelves with their own bin locators in our warehouse, ready for your orders.


Finally, we inform you via email again to let you know exactly how many products have been accounted for and that your goods are ready for shipping once your customer places an order.

Storage per cbft & Replenishment

Unlike other fulfilment companies, we prefer to charge storage by the volume of space allocated to your items and NOT by the pallet. This may sound normal but in fact nearly all fulfilment companies charge storage by the pallet which is fine if all your goods are neatly stacked to standard pallet sizes. This is never the case and for a very good reason: when picking products from stock, the picker needs to retrieve the item quickly and not spend ages looking for them.


Therefore, when products are stored on pallets there is normally only a handful of boxes on each pallet that are easy to pick from. We prefer to store your products on picking shelves densely in numerical order so we can charge you by the volume of space your products actually occupy (we use the cubic foot measurement) and this way, unlike pallet counts, is a calculation you can check at any time.

Paperless Pick & Pack

Staff disappear into the aisles of the warehouse, picking items as they go. All 'consumer' orders received by 3.00pm are dispatched the same day. Trade customer orders vary due to the number of items but are completed in a timely fashion. We pick all the items onto our pick carts, then wheel them to the packing area.


We then carefully pack your orders according to your wishes. Our staff decide on the best packaging suitable given the type of product or method of delivery.  For example, beanie hats can be sent in a co-ex mailbag whereas fragile fixed heavy items would require carton boxes. We can enclose promotional flyers & add inserts if you'd prefer. Parcels are dispatched using the delivery method selected by your customer when placing the order or according to the rules you have provided us.


Managing returns can be expensive if not done efficiently. 

When an order is first received into our cloud based software from any sales channel, it is allocated a unique order number and barcode so every return can be quickly identified and matched to a specific client.


Each of our clients can specify a personalised returns process which can involve inspection and re-stocking, emailing images, detailed QC or forwarding to their offices.

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