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eCommerce fulfilment - Is your business ready?

When you start an online retail business, it’s unlikely to be financially viable for you to outsource your order fulfilment with bigger providers with minimum order quantities etc, But if you answer “Yes” to any of the following questions, it’s definitely time to consider a solution such as what client commerce offers.

  • Are you receiving 2 or more orders each and every day?

      Taking 50 orders a month will make our service cost effective.

  • Are you snowed under with customer messages regarding late or non delivery?

       Late, missing or incorrect orders can damage your brand, but are easily solved by outsourced fulfilment.

  • Have you lost control of your stock levels or overselling?

       Most fulfilment providers like us offer systems to help you manage your inventory effectively and accurately.

  • Have you run out of storage space for your stock items?

       It’s more than likely to be cheaper to outsource your storage to a warehouse than move to bigger premises.

  • Are you standing in Post Office queues & spending hours packing boxes?

       Outsourced fulfilment will give you back the hours to focus on more important fundamental things.

  • Do you have seasonal peaks in sales?

       Investing in warehouse infrastructure that’ll only be used for a few weeks a year is not a viable investment – outsource instead.

  • Have you thought about employing somebody?

       It’s likely to be cheaper to outsource than employ someone on a permanent basis.

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